Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I'm Walking! Or at least the wobbly kind.
Papa asked for a 'cup of tea' from my 'kitchen'. I was only too happy to oblige.
Papa says that's good service for you! I was walking tall.
I am not very steady yet, but I am getting better & stronger with each passing day.
Papa says it was my best Christmas gift to him to date.
Mummy would be so proud of me.
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  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Twenty six steps !! We're all so proud of you Evan boy. Your determination shows through so strongly on your face. And your baby voice is wonderful to hear.

    God Bless You always little one.


  2. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Dear Evan,

    Wow! U've grown so tall & big already. So sorri, have not been keeping in touch with u cos Aunty Pat is very busy in church & at work. So nice to see u walking!!

    Keep it up, my dear...!!

    Take-Care & Jesus Loves U!!

    Loves: Aunty Pat

  3. Anonymous10:51 PM

    hooray! daddy must have been soooo proud of you! well done :)
