My Trip to Pulau Ubin...
It was two Sundays ago in August that I had my first Bum boat ride to the island of Ubin. It is a ten minute ride off the south-eastern shores of Singapore. It was a cloudy day and my buddy Vee Shen was with me. We started off with a hearty breakfast at the famous Changi Village hawker center on the mainland, before setting off on our noisy, diesel filled splutter across the waters. We rented a tandem bike with a baby seat attached and set off for our intended destination- the Chek Jawa Wetlands.
It was a healthy half an hour ride over undulating road and mud tracks, with leafy jungles on either side, before we finally panted our way to our destination. The signage along the mud track declared "one way to Chek Jawa", left papa feeling a little perturbed but bemused.
It was a pleasant walk along the muddy coast. Unfortunately, the tide had risen and most of the more interesting features of the wetlands had been submerged. So we had to content ourselves with a leisurely stroll along the well constructed coastal board walk. It was breezy, and we got to see the airplanes up close as they landed at our famous nearby Changi Airport. The skies started to close in on us towards the end of our walk as we hastily retreated towards our start point. The rain finally caught up with us however on the last leg of our return journey. A tropical thunderstorm of ferocious rain pelted down on us as papa struggled to get the flimsy ponchos over our heads. The thin ponchos were of scant consolation as the intensity of the rain ensured that we were all soaked to the skin by the time we eventually found some shelter. I thought it was fun. All in all, a very enjoyable and satisfying hike was enjoyed by all. I hope to come again some day soon.