Sunday, August 03, 2008

Charging ahead into the jungle of life

Evan continues to grow well. Despite lingering concerns for his motor development and vocalisation, he thrives and appears to be developing normally albeit slower. It's amazing how much change you fail to notice when you spend so much time around someone. Most people who haven't seen him for some time usually remark how big he has grown. I guess he is growing. Ironically the only stark testimony to his growth, for me, is reflected in his simple diapers. His gradual demands for bigger diapers brings home the message that my baby boo-boo is sadly, no longer little. Just this week, we've had to upgrade him to the 'XL' sized diapers in order to fit all the urine that his 13kg body is generating. A far cry from the size 'S' that he used to crawl in only yesterday it seems.

Me & Oscar are pals

Despite my gratefulness at his relentless growth, lingering concerns about his slow physical development continue to permeate the fabric of my imagination. Is he just slower or is there a problem that will rear its head unannounced somewhere down the road? Will I be able to cope with the disappointment and sorrow of such a tragedy? I guess I've been through worse. The innocence is heart rending. Only time will tell.


My impersonation of a 'cat nap'


  1. Anonymous2:36 AM

    focus on E's strengths. he will catch up, God willing. take care!

  2. Hey Colin, glad to see an update! Don't worry about Evan catching up. He will and then he'll exceed everyone around him. He really has grown to be such an adorable little man.

  3. Anonymous11:07 PM

    He looks absolutely great. Smiles like Mummy. Every parent worries whether his child is growing up well. Evan looks like he is coping just fine. Hope to see you soon in Blighty.
