Thursday, October 26, 2006

Day 202 (Tuesday 24th October 2006): Sunday was my friend Alexia's birthday. She has turned two years old. We love you Alexia! We enjoyed your well organised tiny-people party on Sunday very much. Alexia's elder brother, Lucas, was mummy's Godson. He misses mummy very much. They had spent much time together and he had always looked forward to mummy's visits. Mummy would have been brimming with joy to see how both Alexia and Lucas have grown up so well since. Lucas is sad that mummy is not here to bring him swimming any more.

Tuesday was the anniversary of my Uncle Sebastian's passing. It has been one year since he passed away from a heart attack. Papa and mummy were very close to him and his family. They all live on the east coast of Australia. Uncle Sebastian was a good man with a big heart. He was like a father to papa and mummy. He was a retired teacher. A brave and wise man, who together with his wife, Aunty Adeline, migrated with their family of seven young children from Malaysia, more than 40 years ago. With this foresight, they had managed to provide full educational opportunities for all of them, and ensured a better quality of life. His children have all gone on to do his legacy immensely proud. Like mummy, Uncle Sebastian's passing came as a rude shock, a steep right-angled turn on the road of life. He had travelled to Singapore only weeks before his death. In fact, Uncle Sebastian was present when papa and mummy first announced that I had arrived and that she was expecting. Papa still remembers the delight and thrill etched on Uncle Sebastian's face that night. News of his sudden passing a few weeks later was devastating. Time stood still for a while after papa and mummy learned of the tragedy. They were just so glad that he had learned of my coming before he had to go. We mourn his loss during these tormentful times too.

Mummy dearest, you had so much more to give and fulfill. Why has time snatched you away so cruelly from us. We will never know or understand this futility. All we have are our five senses to guide us. And at the moment, they are all very numb from the pain we have had to endure. Rest in peace mummy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:44 PM

    To my pal Evan,

    I am sorry I didn't get a chance to know your mummy well, as I was very little when I met her. Kor Kor did tell me about her before, and that she plays the piano and always bought him nice presents. Your mummy gave me a lovely blue elephant when we first met. I heard that she often came round for tea with mummy, and usually have a swim with Lucas. Until now, Kor Kor still includes "godma" in his prayers (whenever he remembers to say them). As much as he doesn't show it, I think he misses his godma very much.

    I am really sorry that you miss your mummy too, Evan. As we grow up together, we will all try to remember Aunty Frances and keep her in our lives.

    Love Alexia
