Monday, October 30, 2006

Day 209 (Tuesday, 31st October 2006): Notes from papa's diaries....
Evan continues to grow well physically. His appetite is good and he is now eating cooked food that has been blended and pureed with rice. His diet consists of a variety of vegetables- green and orange varieties, as well as meats like fish, pork and chicken. All blended to perfection. Meals are fed upon request, usually every three to four hours. They are by all accounts 'finger licking good'. Literally. Sucking of his fingers while his mouth is still full of food is fast becoming a peculiar pastime. He has also developed a habit of vibrating his lips while he attempts to blow air out. Such an uncanny skill at blowing a trumpet at such a young age. By itself, a cute and adorable action. Unfortunately it is usually a trumpet of pureed carrots or peas that he blows out! Meal times now resemble a paint ball fight.

His facial rashes have subsided but remain a constant concern (the photo's above were taken two weeks ago when he was having a rash attack on his left cheek- it has since subsided). Sporadic applications of Betnovate (steroid) quarter strength cream appear to be working well so far. *fingers crossed*

His sleep cycles are regular. He naps for periods of up to three hours at a stretch in the day. At nights, he normally falls asleep around 9pm and wakes up in the mornings around 5-6am. He does stir for his feeds every 3-4hrs during the nights, but is generally drowsy when he feeds and falls back to sleep again easily. In this respect, we have been fortunate.

His physical co-ordination is improving, but as yet he still can't crawl or sit up by himself. His attempts at crawling inevitably end up being more of a rolling exercise. His neck muscles are getting stronger though, as he is able to hold his head up steadily without support most of the time.

His mental development has taken a significant turn for the interesting in recent weeks. He displays a sense of playful inquisitiveness and responds well to stimulation. He is able to now distinguish my presence in the room and takes full advantage of that fact, especially when he is bored sitting in his cot or strapped to his recliner. Outstretched arms in my direction and a mild complaining noise usually signal his desire to be carried around. Some may say it's spoiling him, but this is one luxury that I have decided he deserves in the absence of Frances- the satisfaction of touch and a cuddle on demand. He generally possesses a sweet disposition, unless he is provoked by hunger, sleep or wet nappies. He does not cry loudly or easily even then. Preferring instead to squirm around vigorously in one's arms and emitting puppy-like yelping sounds. Most times after a feed, a nap and a clean diaper, he will contentedly survey the surrounding scenes with a sage-like and calm disposition. If placed in his cot or recliner in a playful mood, he will indulge in loud and voluminous baby babble which is frequently accompanied by a more recently developed skill- laughter. All the while smiling with his disarming toothless grin. Certain things seem to provoke him with some regularity. Placing him in front of a mirror will inevitably provoke a big smile and gurgle. He has also lately developed a fondness for being around small children. Squealing kids running around like headless chickens will predictably provoke him into acting like a chicken himself- a rapid flailing of his arms and legs accompanied by excited cluckings of delight, which has since become more discernible as laughter.

After almost seven months, his progress has been encouraging. Our prayers and love seem to be working. At least for now.


  1. Colin, Evan looks to be doing EXCELLENT!! Again, I totally recommend that BUMBO chair. It is used quite often in the states as a physical therapy device that strengthens the back and neck muscles. Also, Izabel just celebrated her First Halloween. Do you have a similar holiday and if so, do you dress Evan up in a costume? Izabel was an Elephant this year and she looks great. Check out her site at to see for yourself. Otherwise, Evan is such a cutie and I look at his site dozens a times a day! Good Job Daddy!!

  2. Dear Alisha, thanks for your kind support all these past months. I have checked out the Bumbo seat and it looks like a great idea. I will be looking seriously at getting one for Evan. Thanks. Halloween is celebrated in Singapore, but not as much as in the USA. I checked out Izabel in her elephant costume and she looked really good- the photo was awesome- great pic! Love the way you designed it- something Izabel will treasure in time I am sure.

  3. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Hi! Colin,
    You are doing a great job in taking care of Evan. I am very sure Frances will be very very proud of you. I know it is not an easy task having to bring up a child all by yourself. WIth God's guidance and the assistance that you have, you will do just fine, if not better.

    I am not sure if you have a playpan for Evan. If you do, you may want to leave him there to play by himself. Alternatively, you can have some backgroup music for him to listen or something of that sort.

    Well do take care!
