Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Step down into that darkness now, that dream
of drifting unremembrance and release,
where words and music form an endless stream

of syllables that swirl away and gleam
upon the flow, then vanish without cease.
Step down into that darkness: now that dream—

that fragment wave which in one moment seems
to break—returns, and on the next increase,
where words and music form an endless stream,

floods all resistance, all that would deem
mere waking marvelous, or knowledge peace.
Step down: into that darkness now, that dream,

descend, not to renounce but to redeem
the surface world. Within the water's lease,
where words and music form an endless stream,

letters appear in lines that have no theme
or purpose, yet their passing brings surcease.
Step down into that darkness now, that dream
where words and music form an endless stream.

-Jared Carter, from Les Barricades Mystérieuses.

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