Monday, November 13, 2006

Day 222 (Monday 13th November 2006): I got to sit in a high-chair for the first time today! Although I did need the support of some pillows. Papa said that was cheating, but that at least I got to feel what it was like to sit at the table eating with everyone else. My buddy Joshua was so happy for me. He took care of me and made sure I didn't hurt myself. Papa says this should be good training for my eating habits as well as strengthening for my back muscles. I managed to sit in the chair for a good half an hour and got up only after the rest had finished their dinner. I could tell papa was happy with my performance.

Papa says that he will be starting me on physiotherapy twice a week starting soon, with two different physiotherapists. He will consider a suggestion sent in by 'ummi-to-D' to look into something called Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation (ABR) (click link). Papa says he may consider this should physiotherapy fail or if things take a turn for the worse for me in the coming months. My grandpa Larry recently gave me an exercise ball for me to do my exercises like the way I do it at the physiotherapist. Thanks grandpa. I am supposed to sit and lie on it for a series of exercises to strengthen my back and trunk muscles. It is hard work. But I have promised papa to work hard on my sitting-up abilities. I sometimes wonder if mummy had been here, whether all this hard work would have been easier to do. I can tell papa would like to be there for me in the day, but I do understand he has to work as well. He has not been sleeping well lately. Mummy, help me grow strong in your spirit so that I may continue to surprise all my loved ones with good news. Goodnight mummy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    abr seminar
