Thursday, November 16, 2006

Day 225 (Thursday 16th November 2006) : I had my physiotherapy session today at the Mount Alvernia Hospital. It was a good session for me- I was co-operative and for the first time, managed not to cry! Papa was pleased with my behavior today. He hopes that I will start to find these 'gym' sessions fun at the same time that it helps me strengthen my muscles. Papa spent the entire day with me today. It was one of those father-son bonding sessions that he so enjoys. I am happy when I see him and always try to greet him with my most charming of smiles. It always melts his heart and takes his worries away for those precious few moments.

I hope that he can spend more time with me. Papa says that work isn't that important to him anymore. Although he does enjoy his work very much- he finds great satisfaction from it because he says he makes people smile everyday. But things can never be the same again. Priorities have undergone a seismic change. He will still work to keep his sanity, give himself a sense of fulfillment and to keep paying for my diapers and milk. I think he feels that he needs to make up for mummy's loss. So he has to be twice the parent, giving three times the time and smothering me with five times the love. I hope that I can repay him by being strong and making him proud, a hundred times over. Although I do know that his love for me is unconditional. Like with mummy, he believes the most fulfilling love is one that is freely returned.

Dearest mummy, many people miss you very much. Heaven's email inbox must be full of protests and prayers for you. Most of them from papa. I fear he will never get over your sudden loss. He had so much love for you. So much more to give. It is like a dam across the heart, the body cannot go on. I pray that you will visit him each night and let him know that you can still feel his love as intensely as when you were together in the flesh. Wait for him mummy.


  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Dearest Evan,

    My, my... you have grown to be such a lovable baby especially when you smile. I am very very sure your smile melts your daddy's heart and all those around you. Keep up the good work at the physiothrapist. I am sure your daddy knows what is best for you.

    I fully understand what your daddy means by work is not so important to him. Work is never ending but the bonding is once in life time. That is to say, if daddy miss this kind of bonding with you, he will never be able to get it back again. That is why it is so impt to him, having said that, he is also doing the job of your mummy too.

    Evan, when you are bigger and become a parent yourself, you will know what I mean.

    I am also a parent myself and I am spending as much time as I have with my 2 daughters. They are only young once.

    U take care and it's really good to see you smiling. :D

    God bless!


  2. Anonymous11:27 PM

    evan is so cute! dont be too hard on yourself colin. take care :)
