Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Day 27 (Tue 2nd May 2006): I have been very moody today. I cried so much that Aunty Mely and Grand Aunty Kan have had to cradle me for most of the day. They looked tired. Papa tried as well. I think I worried him plenty today. He wasn't sure if I was sick or just having a bad day.
By the late evening, I was feeling tired. I think I will sleep well tonight.

Papa said that he had received a very touching email today. It was from one of mummy's good friends from the Singapore Philharmonic Chorus (TPC). What a long name that is. This friend was also named Uncle Simon. Uncle Simon said that Mr Lim Yau and the TPC committee had decided that they would dedicate their next concert in August to the memory of mummy dearest. So please help support their efforts. It will be held on the 4th & 5th of August at the Esplanade Concert Hall.

Papa tried to explain to me what had happened to mummy. He said that she had been very unlucky. That she had suffered something that was considered very very rare. They called it "Amniotic Fluid Embolism". During the time when I was still inside mummy's tummy, when she was in labour, something happened which caused little chunks of "amniotic fluid contents" to enter her blood. From there, it went into her lungs and blocked the lungs, which then caused her heart to stop beating very suddenly and very violently. Papa said that there was nothing they could have done to prevent it. No one but God could have predicted it. She was healthy and fit and was having a very good pregnancy with no problems up till then. In fact, mummy and papa were planning to give me another brother or sister after I was born. But God thought otherwise.

Papa said that at least she went very quickly and did not suffer much. He was there. Many of the doctors, including Godpa Douglas tried their best to help her, but despite their heroic actions, were not able to make a difference. Jesus was with mummy. Uncle Suresh helped to deliver me after they knew that they could not save mummy no more. They were all very worried for me as I was getting less oxygen during mummy's struggle. That is why they were very surprised to see me get well so fast. But that's because they didn't know that mummy was with me until the end. She protected me from harm. She stayed alive long enough so that I could survive. She gave her life for mine. Mummy dearest, I miss you so much, I love you so much, wait for me and Papa. Keep me warm when I am cold and hungry. Keep Papa soothed when he is cold and feeling empty. *Huggies and kisses* Goodnight sweet mummy.

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