Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Evan enters the monastary....

Day 54 (Mon 29th May 2006): I had my first haircut today! Or should I say, my first shave. It is another milestone papa says. Papa says it was done because my hair was looking too unkempt. And not as a 'right of passage' that some parents insist upon. It's all gone for now. My beautiful locks shorn away. Hair today, gone tomorrow. Papa now calls me his "little monk". Grand godma says the barber who cut my hair was very skilled. She said I was well behaved and did not create a fuss when he was cutting. Godma Elena thinks I look cute, but Godpa Doug thinks I look funny. Papa told me not to worry 'cos I will grow out of it. Half of my hair has been put into a plastic container for me to keep. Papa says in Singapore, some parents pay to have the hair bundled into a paint brush. He says that in other countries, the hair is donated to make wigs for sick children. I wish my hair had been thicker and longer so that I could have helped them too.


  1. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Evan..you sure got your money's worth in haircut! Hope it grows back soon enough my little shaolin master...haha. Uncle Adrian

  2. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Dear Evan,

    hair, no hair, what difference does it make? I prefer my hair to be a few millimetres long so that it can dried at one swipe after a shower. Another observation I made is that fewer guys challenge you for headers if you look like a Commando. As you will discover after you get married, you hairstyle is no longer a unilateral decision. I enjoyed the fact that all your Ng cousins had little hair for the first 2 years of their lives, much easier to bathe and dry their hair. And I like the way you look right now, very cool!

    We all miss you a lot, sorry that 6 days have gone by since our return and we are still too sick to visit you. I should've taken my chance when all the girls were down last week but I was still OK. Hannah is back to 100% but Boo and Auntie Julie are still not there. Only Noah has remained well but he is a bit young to visit by himself. Look forward to seeing you later in the week if we are well enough.

    Thinking of you everyday,


  3. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Hi Evan, I just had to say this... the more I look at these two pictures, the more I think you look like the cute cartoon character ZIGGY!!!! http://www.ucomics.com/ziggy/2006/05/29/

  4. Anonymous11:56 PM

    My dearest Evan,

    I know this is the first entry I've made in your blog... I guess I've been kind of shy writing in here! But you, daddy and mommy are well in Uncle Eugene and my thoughts and prayers EVERYDAY :O) I miss you terribly and long to hold you and watch you grow. Especially Uncle Eugene as he didn't get to see you up close even once... the closest he got was almost past the ICU doors (when you were still there) but poor him got shooed away by the nurses! Unfortunately, the distance between new york and singapore is tough for us to make more frequent trips. But, if all goes well, I will get to see you soon... I'll let it be a surprise ok?!

    It's been a week since I've read your blog and it was Grandpa Ben who told me about your hair cut and I had to see this... you are my little budda!! I think it's both hysterical and adorable :O) It's just a different look and anyway, it's quite fashionable these days! According to the Chinese belief, it'll grow back longer and thicker anyway so don't you sweat your little self about the small stuff :O)/ The one thing we're happy you're rid of is your meds! It was glorious news for us... only more signs of you getter better and stronger.

    Plenty of love, hugs and kisses
    Uncle Eugene & Auntie Tini

  5. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

  6. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
