Sunday, April 16, 2006

Day 11 (morning): Dr Simon Ng called papa again like he normally does in the early morning. He gives papa updates about me. Papa says that he has never been a "morning" person until now. He says that mummy used to tease him about how he could sleep so much in the morning, so I guess she is getting back at him somehow. But papa says that it is for the better.

Dr Ng is going to change my milk to a "thicker" type, so that I can swallow and breathe easier at the same time, and not choke so often. Overall, I have been a good boy overnight. Nr Ng says that he will be testing my blood again in 2 days time to see if he can reduce the medicine that he is giving me. This is the medicine that makes me so sleepy everytime. My antibiotic medicine will stop in 2 days time too. I am so looking forward to going home with papa.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    From Uncle Bernie's friend:

    Hi Colin & Evan,

    Happy Easter! Praise the Risen Christ who conquered death. My family and I will continue to pray and bless you.

    My son, Ryan (he is 9 years old) and I wish to join the football team that Uncle Bernie mentioned about. So we will train hard while Evan grows up!!

    Ryan says that he hopes Evan will recover soon and go home to live with his papa and have a wonderful life.

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Hi Evan,

    It's Easter and you should get out of bed, look our for the bunnies and the chocolate eggs! I am sure the nurses and doctors that have been helping you to get your body back in shape, will love to see you jump out of bed! Happy Easter with lots of love!

    To Colin:

    I know you've been seeing only one set of footprints in the sand, Don't be disheartened, don't be sad. God is really carrying you and Evan with Frances riding on "horseback"! Hounding Him and nagging Him to mend your hearts quickly and Bless you and Evan with his Miracle hands. So you see, whatever she's doing is really working!

    You have been a great dad and am sure Frances is pleased with what you have done. Hang in there for Evan and may this poem remind you to be constantly strong for him.

    "This is a big change
    in your life, I can see
    But I'm willing to give
    all the love within me
    I am your son by birth
    That mommy brought,
    But I will share with you
    My lessons in her tummy
    that mommy taught
    We can do all the things
    that should be done, as if she was here with us,
    It may feel a little strange,
    but we'll get through that, somehow
    I'll stand by your side
    through thick and through thin
    Since mommy is gone, I need you dad
    More than what everyone else thinks
    I promise I will be strong
    I promise I will be good
    If only you promise me Dad,
    That you will be the same for me too."

    Frances,Evan and you will be in my prayers and I pray that God will give you strength in all you do.

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Hi Evan,

    It's Easter and you should get out of bed, look our for the bunnies and the chocolate eggs! I am sure the nurses and doctors that have been helping you to get your body back in shape, will love to see you jump out of bed! Happy Easter with lots of love!

    To Colin:

    I know you've been seeing only one set of footprints in the sand, Don't be disheartened, don't be sad. God is really carrying you and Evan with Frances riding on "horseback"! Hounding Him and nagging Him to mend your hearts quickly and Bless you and Evan with his Miracle hands. So you see, whatever she's doing is really working!

    You have been a great dad and am sure Frances is pleased with what you have done. Hang in there for Evan and may this poem remind you to be constantly strong for him.

    "This is a big change
    in your life, I can see
    But I'm willing to give
    all the love within me
    I am your son by birth
    That mommy brought,
    But I will share with you
    My lessons in her tummy
    that mommy taught
    We can do all the things
    that should be done, as if she was here with us,
    It may feel a little strange,
    but we'll get through that, somehow
    I'll stand by your side
    through thick and through thin
    Since mommy is gone, I need you dad
    More than what everyone else thinks
    I promise I will be strong
    I promise I will be good
    If only you promise me Dad,
    That you will be the same for me too."

    Frances,Evan and you will be in my prayers and I pray that God will give you strength in all you do.
