Tuesday, May 30, 2006

~Treasured Tributes~

"...It was only like yesterday when I met Frances at the tennis court when I was back home and I remember her cheerfulness very vividly..." Leng Poh Hock from Portland OR USA, April 20th 2006.

"...I was so sad when my dad called me that morning to tell me the sad news about Cici. I really couldn’t believe my ears...Having just seen her the week before...I just couldn’t believe that she was gone, especially since I knew how she had been waiting for the day for Evan to be born. I remember asking her at the airport that morning if she was scared of the delivery as her ‘bump’ was so big, and she just smiled in her usual quiet way and said “whatever lah”. I guess you never know what sort of pain to expect, but what you hope and long for is to finally hold your own baby in your arms. I recall feeling so happy for the both of you...and she looked so good when she was expecting...I also wanted to give you this picture I found of Cici. It was taken at Andrea’s birthday 2 or 3 years ago I think, when she had that bowling party...Aud told me...that she’s so sad when she sees a bowling alley as it reminds her of how Cici always used to bring the kids bowling…I was always touched by how thoughtful and considerate Cici was..." - Audra Ruyters, Singapore, May 25th 2006.

"...Gillian and Frances were classmates in CHIJ and Gill tells me how talented, energetic and exuberant she was in school..." Euan & Gillian Murugasu, Singapore, May 28th 2006.

"In times of diversity, we find hope and solace in family and friendship. In Frances going to Heaven, she has left each one of us to get to know the other better and to appreciate why she found us, in all our diversity, special people in her life. We must seize this, her gift to us."
- Sheena Jacobs, Singapore, 30th May 2006.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
