Friday, May 19, 2006

The Withered Heart...

He lies staring at the cold white ceiling. Mesmerised by the languid arms of the electric fan, rotating hypnotically in its own soothing rhythm. Wondering if it will all go away like some bad dream. Open his eyes again, heave a sigh of relief, and start afresh. Celebrate the end of the worst nightmare. Hug her tightly once more. Tell her that he never wanted to imagine losing her ever again. That he wanted to change his life for the better. To feel the softness and warmth of her scented skin forever. To lock her sweet lips with his and never let go the euphoria. To share a story and an amusing joke. To be enthralled by her gracious giggle. To be comforted by her patient, undemanding, guileless nature. To take long walks again, arms locked, along the sandy beaches. To watch the sunset over the crisp scintillating sea. To glide underwater in the deep blue as a pair of trailing bubbles. To blot out the pain. The dull throbbing in his eyes, intrudes once again. Like an unwanted guest. Confounding his wishful rapture. The tears that he has been trying to blockade protest in heaving pulsations. Puffy eyes half swollen shut, stare through the blank white ceiling. The throbbing waves in his writhing chest rise up like a tidalwave, threatening to tear his heart out from its battered mooring. Propelling, tearing through his chest. Willing his spirit to break free from these mortal confines. To find a path back to her heavenly presence once again. Then that cold sickly sensation of dread soaks into his skin. The relentless throbbing pounds into his flesh as if to remind him of his lonely earthly existence. Gnawing into the very fabric of his tortured soul. He closes his eyes in wretched slumber. Hoping. Longing. Pining. Aching. Hungering. Yearning that she will be there to greet him when he opens his tired eyes once again. His heart races in anticipation. His mind temporarily assuaged by his cold fantasies. Far away from his harsh reality. Looking forward to their next dreamy encounter. He heaves a deep ponderous sigh. Sucking in the opiate of his alternate reality.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
