Monday, July 17, 2006

Day 103 (Mon, 17th July 2006): I have started to ask for more milk recently. Aunty Mely has been feeding me the occasional 180 ml of milk when I ask her to. I still feed every three hours. That's because I usually get grumpy if I don't. On the weekend, Aunty Michele and Uncle Alan invited papa, Aunty Mely and me over to their house for dinner with some close friends. It was one of the few times that papa has agreed to bring me out so late at night. He said he was 'testing the waters'. I didn't stay awake long enough to enjoy myself though. I was in Slumber Land the whole night through. At least I was well behaved.

My cough has started to improve. The antibiotics have stopped and I am now only taking the cough mixture. Papa says that I am proving to be a strong boy. As strong as mummy was when it came to fighting off infections. She seldom fell sick says papa. It was always papa that caught the bug very easily off other people. Mummy used to always tease papa about it. He is glad I seem to be following mummy in that respect. Anyway, papa hopes that I will be strong enough to see Uncle Simon on Thursday for my vaccinations. Papa is hoping that I will not cry too much. I will try and be stronger this time around. I hope the needle is very small.


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Keep up the good work. thnx!

  2. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
