Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Day 123 (Sunday 6th August 2006): That's me on my exercise mat! I now get to crawl on my belly once a day, with the help of Aunty Mely. Hey, that rhymes! It's tiring and I don't really like it. But papa says it's good for me. I have recently had a change to my milk formulation. Soya milk ('Isomil') was introduced to see if it would help improve the skin condition on my face ('seborrhic dermatitis'). So now I drink half soya milk and half normal milk. Papa says they will gradually increase the soya milk and observe my response. If I don't like the taste, or if it doesn't make any difference to my rashes, then they will stop the soya milk.

On Sunday, papa and I were invited for dinner with Uncle Nick, Aunty Wendy and my little friend Arabella from England. Arabella had a pink pillow given to her in the shape of a star (see photo). Uncle Nick and Aunty Wendy said that Arabella had especially named it "Aunty Fudge" because she said that "Aunty Fudge was a star in Heaven". She had chosen the name all on her own without any help from her papa or mummy. My papa was very touched by her thoughtful innocence.

Mummy dearest, I wonder if you are like Arabella's star in Heaven, with your eyes closed and a big smile on your face. I hope that you are doing ok up there. We all miss you very much. Love you always.


  1. Evan, you are growing so big. Look at you on your mat; such a big boy! You will be crawling in no time.
    Keep up the good work and know that even though tummy time isn't so much fun now, it will be soon.

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Dear Evan,

    everywhere I go (church, office, lunch or dinner out, football, RCIA etc.) people ask how you are doing. You are certainly growing well, and I share that with them. Many concerned friends are praying for you, that with every passing week and month, you will impress us with all the usual developmental milestones, and one day grow up to be a passionate, competitive person like your mum. Much gratitude goes to your dad for remaining so diligent about keeping your blog up to date. We'll see you again (hopefully soon) once we are well enough to not cough in your face. Hope your mobility increases soon, your dad can sure use the exercise. Noah had a great time walking around Tanjong Beach and playing with the sand by himself yesterday, we're really looking forward to bringing you on outings like that.

