Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dog-yawn it! Papa's been feeling exhausted these last few days. He says a fit of fatigue has descended upon him like a cloud. He hasn't had the energy to update the blog as regularly as he would like to. He says to be patient. Once the cloud of tiredness disperses and his eye lids can be lifted, he'll find the inspiration again to get back to typing out my diaries with renewed vigour.


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Dearest Evan,

    Your photos are a joy to behold - it is so good to see you blossoming. You are a most attractive young laddie.

    You tell your papa not to worry about keeping your site so meticulously updated. An entry once a week is fine as long as he keeps your photos posted!

    Love A. Gerry

  2. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Dear Colin,

    It is ok for you to update the blog once a week as I know how is it like to work, having to take care of Evan. When one is burn out, I tell you... the consequence of it is terrible. U take good care and I am sure that Frances is watching over you and Evan.

    Evan, you are indeed growing up to be a cute little boy. Do tell daddy to take care of himself. Once he is up to it, he will be able to take good care of you too.

    I will constantly keep both of you in my prayers.


  3. Anonymous5:54 AM


    Its okay.No pressure and no right or wrong.You are doing a great job but pace yourself and hang in there.

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    a sign that u need more rest. rest well. take care.
