Thursday, August 31, 2006

Day 147 (Wednesday 30th August 2006): We had a gathering of relatives from the USA on Tuesday night. I finally got to meet two of my cousins from the USA- Molly and Abbey. Aunty Tini (mummy's younger sister) organised a pizza pig-out that night. Abbey is an expressive and bubbly girl. She was the life of our cosy little party. Molly is younger and she is sweet and very shy. Their mummy Aunty Kew, was my mummy's cousin, and she lives in New York with her family. Aunty Ming-Ming who lives in Singapore, was also there with us that night. She's Aunty Kew's eldest sister and also a favorite cousin of mummy. I could feel mummy's presence among us that night.

On Wednesday morning, Aunty Sharon and Aunty Julie came to see me again for my infant massage session. I managed to actually co-operate for a large part of the massage. Long enough it seems for papa to have been spared the plastic doll Megan again. You could tell papa was grateful for that. Aunty Sharon was equally pleased at the success of this session. Papa got to practice massaging on my chest and arms that day. He is learning new ways to bond with me. Provided I can sit still!

Later that Wednesday afternoon, we were invited over to my Aunty Di's for lunch. It was a lazy drizzly afternoon that eventually proved soulful. It was a good chance for Aunty Mely to catch up with her compatriot Aunty Marita. Papa too managed to have a very thoughtful conversation with Aunty Di. They spent the afternoon reminiscing and shedding a few tears for the memories that were provoked. They both miss mummy very much. As if on cue, the rain fell heavily that night and over the next day. It was as if mummy was sharing their grief again. The thunder, her cries of anguish; the clouds, her tear soaked handkerchief, and the gray skies her melancholic shroud. When will the rain ever stop falling I wonder.


  1. Hi Colin, Evan is sure growing up fast. I wanted to mention something to you. I see that some type of physical therapy is incorporated into Evans daily activities. For Izabel we bought her a BUMBO chair. If Evan is holding is head/neck pretty well, the chair does wonders. She was siting up by herself at 5 months. The chair helps support the back and chest muscles, helping them to become stronger. I got mine at a TARGET for 39 dollars. You can also by them online at

    I enjoy your/Evan's posts very much. It's great to see him grow.

  2. Thanks for the advice Alisha. Will definitely check the Bumbo Jumbo out.
    - Colin
