Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Day 145 (Monday, 28th August 2006): Papa says that I have become even more alert lately. I am able to recognise some faces, and am more curious about my surroundings. I now check out the people that walk up to me. Mainly to see if they have brought any presents for me actually. And when people around me talk, I now turn around to see what they are saying. I get to hear some of the weirdest gossip you won't believe. If babies could talk, the world would be a more interesting place to live in, not to mention a quieter place. Mothers won't gossip in front of us anymore. My buddy Vee Shen and I intend to write a book about it one day.

I am feeding ok, though I do tend to throw up my milk sometimes. So now I get to wear a bib most of the time. I am now drinking pure cow's milk (Anfalac). The volume I am now drinking has not increased very much since I hit the 150ml mark. In fact it varies between 80ml and 180ml depending on my mood. I think I am getting bored with milk. Papa still refuses to bring on the whisky and chocolates. Though I might be eating some solids soon. Perhaps some pureed brown rice to start off with. Whoopee.

I am still struggling to shake off my chesty cough and snotty phlegm that I acquired a week ago. It seems to be rather stubborn. I am not taking any medication at the moment. But alert eyes are watching closely.

The weekend was interesting. Last Friday was my Grandma Anne's (mama's) birthday. We celebrated with lots of food and mahjong. It was fun. Then on Saturday, me and my cousins Andrew and Timothy and my buddy Vee Shen went down to the East Coast Parkway to have some more fun. We rollerbladed, cycled, pigged out at the food centre, fished and even went surfing within the confines of our little fertile infants' imaginations. That was so cool. Can't wait to grow out of my pram and my useless toddler feet. I finally got to see my first sandy beach mixed with all the rolling waves and foam. Papa says that one day, all those waves and that sea will be mine. He intends to teach me sailing, scuba diving and water skiing soon.

To top off the weekend, we were invited to Aunty Su May's and Uncle Kenneth's home for dinner on Sunday. It was a soothing and friendly atmosphere. My buddy Vee Shen was there with me too. He was slightly odd that night. He kept sucking his toes! Totally not cool. Not to mention the girls weren't too impressed. I kept my distance that night.

Mummy dearest, I still do wish that you were here with me and papa. I know that you would have been so happy to see me grow so well. Why can't we borrow you from Heaven for just a little while? Just so that we can see you smile. I often lay awake at night wondering why Jesus has allowed this to happen to us. Those nights are long and sleepless. Rest in peace mummy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Hi Evan, ur mummy will be very hapi to c u growing so well & handsome...maybe I shld get my gal to 'chop' u 1st..

    hugs...u'll always be in our prayers..
