Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Day 20 (Tue 25th April 2006): Today I have been very alert. I was awake the whole morning and most of the afternoon. I was tired by the end of the day. Papa said I was cranky. He said that it was the "twilight" effect. Papa thinks too much. Papa will be taking me back to see Dr Simon on Thursday morning. I am happy I get to see him again!

Yesterday was my Uncle Chen's birthday, and today was my Uncle Paul Bailes's birthday.
Tomorrow will be my cousin Hannah's and my Aunty Pat 's birthdays too. So a BIG happy birthday to them all!

Papa told me that he was tired today. Tired of the grief, tired from the heavy crosses he has had to carry. There were no more tears to cry. For today at least. But he said that I had to continue to fight and get better. For that would mean one less cross he would have to bear. For now at least.


  1. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Hi Evan - it's been a week since you've been home at your uncle's house...how time flies, and you seem to be getting stronger and cheekier each day. Keep it up, and impress the good doctor tomorrow.

    God Bless!

  2. Dear Evan,

    Hi! Thanx for remembering my bday!! I'm older today already.. sob...sob... But I'm so happy to know you.... So you must be strong for daddy too...ok? Aunty Pat love to meet you one day. Aunty Pat love you, Evan!!

    Dear Dai Lou,

    Thanx for remembering my bday too..It's a pleasant surprise that you still remember cos I told you so long ago already.

    Dear Dr. Ong,

    This is Doris. Open a path of life leading to your next phrase of life.

    Be strong & cheer up! :)

  3. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Dear Evan,

    Yesterday you were three week old. We had a special Mass at Auntie Marge's place and many of your daddy's and mummy's friends were there.

    Our very dear Fr Keane celebrated Mass. So we celebrated your mother's life. For myself, I said that while I miss your mum so very much too, I would not have wanted a life without having known and loved her. So even the little time I had with her has been, and still is, one of the greatest blessings of my life and I thank God for this.

    Fr Keane reminded us all to celebrate Life - your life, and reminded us all about Jesus' very definite views about children. We, your community, your extended family, are to love and protect you jealously, as Jesus would. So I make this pledge to you, Evan - I will love and protect you - and your papa.

