Friday, April 14, 2006

Day 9 (morning): Great Friday! The kind nurses of the ICU made me my very own Easter Egg card today. My first easter egg ever!

Mummy was with me today. She gave me strength to be on my best behavior for papa's visit this morning. But she was sad. She cried many tears from heaven. Papa says that the skies were dark, and that it was raining heavily outside, and that mummy was up there crying tears of sadness and joy at the same time. He said that the thunder was mummy's way of talking to us from heaven, and that I should not be afraid. She was looking over us and protecting us. I was sad. I think papa was sad too, and I tried to cheer him up by opening my eyes for him and even smiled at him twice. I think I made him happier still when I let out a beautiful cry for him to hear. He said I had a beautiful voice that mummy would have been proud of. He said I should cry more and that this was one baby's cry that he would be happy to put up with for once. I don't understand, but I think it made him happy to say that.

Today also marked the first day when I was finally allowed to drink on my own from the bottle. I loved to suck from the warm teat and the feeling and taste of the milk was very nice. I am now drinking 45ml of milk from the bottle all by myself! Papa even got a chance to hold me and feed me from the bottle. He was very happy. I was so excited that I choked several times, and papa had to "burp" me- but papa was nervous and didn't do it very well, so he had to eventually pass me to the nurse to finish feeding me. I was amused. But papa will get better with practice. Mummy would have been proud of papa's attempts.

The doctors say that if I continue feeding from the bottle well enough, they will take away the painful needle that they keep sticking into my hands and feet for the drip that has been feeding me. Then if I can continue to be on my best behavior, they may even release me by early next week! Yeah!

I think that although papa has been feeling very empty without mummy, that I made him happier today. Please pray for mummy today, and ask God to hug mummy for us all. She must be feeling lonely without us in heaven. We miss her so much on this Good Friday.


  1. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Showers and showers of blessings
    From Mummy and Our Lord Jesus
    In Heaven where blessings abound
    For Daddy and you, love surround.

    The Toh family -
    Uncle Bernard, Auntie Hwee Leng,
    Joshua, Ruth & Sarah
    are all praying for Daddy and you,
    For Our Lord Jesus to protect and strengthen you with His grace and Love.

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Dearest Baby Evan,

    I am sure you made Daddy and Mommy very happy today.
    Mommy sings really well , at least that’s what everyone in church say
    And your cries would soothe the emptiness that Mommy has left behind.
    So keep up my dear child and be brave,
    If you would only open up your voice and give out one LOUD big cry
    Though Mommy may be faraway
    That one LOUD cry will tell Mommy you’re ok.

    I know you miss Mommy.
    She misses you too.
    She sent a note that day to Daddy
    I took a peek in it, and since you’ve been good today,
    Let me tell you …..this is what she said…

    “ I arrived in heaven and I am ok
    God was there to pick me up,
    and He gave me a great big hug.
    He told me how much he missed
    me while I was gone
    And that there is so much work
    to done
    He knew that no one could do it
    as well as I can
    And so you see, He needs me
    here real bad.
    As for you,God knows you are a
    great man
    He has given you Evan and
    made you strong
    He has trained you in this
    short time
    To weather all storms
    So that in trials and
    tribulations and at all times
    When Evan need you there
    You will protect him and guide
    him and against all harm defend.
    Its time for me to go cos’
    since the time that I’ve been
    There’s so much of catching up
    here to do,
    But I will be in touch with
    you again
    And I promise soon
    When you hear a whisper in the
    You know that’s me
    Telling you and Evan
    I am really ok and I love you
    p.s. God sends his Love too.”

    So don’t worry about Mommy Evan,
    God will take good care of her
    And God will be showering you and Daddy with lots of Blessings too.

  3. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Dear Evan,
    Yesterday it was a "singular crying sound", today a "beautiful cry"; and 50ml of milk - GREAT STUFF!! Keep it up Evan and you'll soon have all those tubes out of you.

    "Mrs. Shamrock" and I have been reading your blog and praying for you and daddy everyday and she wanted to let you know that she too lost her mummy at a very young age, but her mummy is always with her, just like your is always with you. She wrote this for you:


    Angel baby, don't be sad
    For I am with you always
    In your dreams I will visit you
    And indulge in your baby ways

    Close your eyes and think of me
    As I hold you close in my heart
    For I am with you always
    so be strong, even though we're apart

    Mummy-bear hugs & marshmallow kisses
    Are sent from me to you
    Today, tomorrow and everyday
    I will always be with you

    "You'll be his Guardian Angel",
    Jesus said to me
    "I cherish this great honour!" I said
    And smiled at my Lord with glee

    Don't you worry, my Angel Baby
    Mummy is by your side
    We'll face the world undaunted
    With Lord Jesus at our Guide

    Take care of Daddy, Baby
    Be his strength and be his joy
    For he is the Best Daddy in the world
    And you, his "Bestest Baby Boy"!

  4. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Dearest Evan

    I have been listening to a song that is very special to me these past few days. It's a song that your mummy introduced to me called, "All Things Bright and Beautiful" and it reminds me of all the wonderful things that God made.

    Your mummy was truly a special gift from God. And so are you.

    I felt her great joy when you were growing inside of her. We shared her excitement and happiness.

    I feel so happy each day to hear news of you...and today, how daddy fed you.

    I'd like to leave you now with the words of a song your mummy and our choir have sung :

    "May the road rise to meet you,
    May the wind be always at your side.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face.
    The rains fall soft upon your fields,
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His Hand,
    And may God hold you in the palm of His Hand." (Irish Blessing)

    Auntie Angela

  5. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Dear Evan,
    You are doing so well! Reading your blog and seeing your pics makes us smile - we can see you grow stronger everyday.

    Your love and strength in this difficult time has been an inspiration to me.

    My family and the family choir are praying for you, fudge and evan. And we miss fudge on this Good Friday too.

  6. Praise the Lord!! Evan, you did very well! Yes! I believe mummy & Jesus is with you but not just today instead everyday. Indeed yes, both mummy & Jesus gave you the strength to go thru each difficult moments! Mummy is not sad but she's too over joy till she cried. Thank you for making daddy so happy by opening your eyes for him & even smiled at him twice. Finally daddy heard your beautiful voice & Yes! Pls cry more with your beautiful LOUD voice & I'm sure your daddy will be most glad to hear your beautiful LOUD voice as what daddy said this was one baby's cry that he's most happy to put up with.

    I'm so excited to hear that today finally you are allowed to drink on your own from the bottle. As I look at your photo during your feeding from the bottle, I'm so happy but I think you have to remind your daddy to cross one of his leg while holding & feeding you so to lift your head higher & you won't get choke so easily cos when I look at your photo, looks like he put you too low already that's why you got choked but don't worry, I believe your daddy is a very diligent daddy so he'll get better next time & of cos with more practice. Hee...hee... I see you looked healthier now & keep it up. I'm really very proud of you!!

    I'm still praying for you that you'll soon be freed from all the painful neeedles & be release by next week!!

    Yes, daddy maybe feeling emptiness without mummy right now but with you around, I'm sure you'll do a better job to fill your daddy's emptiness. I'll pray for your mummy that she'll not be sad & lonely cos God & Jesus is with her & btw mummy will not be sad cos in heaven everybody's sicknesses, pains & sadness will all be gone. She'll be smiling like a sunshine everyday & cheer for you! So be strong & smile everyday!! Promise Aunty Pat that you'll be fine & you'll be good. I'd like to see my little strong & healthy Evan one day & carry you in my arms too... :0

  7. Dear little Evan,

    Aunty Pat just wrote a song for you. Hope it'll encourage you & pray that the words will speak to you & help you to grow stronger too!

    Title: Jesus Loves Little Evan
    Melody: Jesus Loves Me

    Thank God for healing Evan
    Jesus loves little Evan
    Evan loves to drink his milk
    He'll be healthy & strong

    Jesus loves Evan
    Mummy loves Evan
    Daddy loves Evan
    Aunty Pat loves Evan too

    Smile! :)

  8. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Dearest Evan,

    You look just like your daddy and mommy (more like daddy actually, although I think mommy would prefer you sound more like her!)

    Can't wait to hold you and hear your voice, we know mommy would be so proud when she hears you sing.

    We know that Mommy is in Heaven with Jesus, but she will always be watching over you and daddy, and she will never be far away.

    Love and blessings to you and daddy!

  9. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Dear Evan and Colin,

    This entry made me cry, but at the same time I thanked God so hard for His continued blessings upon you. I KNOW H will keep you safe ALWAYS. I wish He would do more, but I guess there must be reasons.

    I will keep my prayers for you. I offered up intentions for you. Just so you know and trust in Him all the way. It's a little cold somedays, but hey, we'e all with ya. And seeing the other comments, I know you're not alone.

    Love and blessings to ya all
    Jon (Marc's friend)
    If ya ever need help...
