Friday, April 28, 2006

Day 23 (Fri 28th April 2006): I have been a good boy today. I do get a little grouchy in the late afternoons though. Papa says it's because I have alot of wind in the stomach. But actually it's because I want to sleep, but can't!

Papa says he misses mummy the most when he is alone. He says his head hurts so very much. The more he remembers, the more it hurts. The more he tries to forget, the more he is reminded.

He wishes he had a chance to tell mummy all the things he wanted her to know before she left this earth. There were too many things left unsaid. And this hurt the most. Papa says that mummy so deserved to be with me. That he would have willingly given his life for hers. If only so she could cradle me in her arms, cuddle me to her bossom and caress me with her lips. Papa says that mummy so looked forward to growing old with me. Life has been callous. Mummy dearest, hold me tight in my dreams, wipe the tears from Papa's tired eyes and comfort us all when we are in soulful slumber with your heavenly presence. Good night mummy.


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Hello dear Evan

    Your Grandpa Ng and I visited you today and you had a wonderful surprise for us .. you smiled for us! What a wonderful gift for Grandpa! Thank you so much. Your grandpa sang your Mummy's favourite hymn "You are the Centre of My Life" just like he does when he visits Mummy at St Mary's of the Angels .. did you hear him? Keep smiling Evan because you have a lot of love around you and you, in turn, have a lot of love to give. With much love, Auntie Mames.

  2. Evan

    I am very happy to read that you're getting to be such a big boy!

    I did not know your mummy very well although we did go to the same school. I remember your mummy as someone really quiet but who had many who loved her very much.

    I heard from Uncle Adrian and Aunty Agnes about your birth.. :o) God be Praised for you! You are such a wonderful gift from God!

    You, your daddy and your mummy will always be in the prayers of my family. I do not know your daddy, but my prayer for him is that he will have strength... God will work through him.. he will be your pillar.. he will cry, he will weep, but he will be strong...
